It happened... it finally happened, I graduated! And I absolutely can't believe it.
I actually missed my official graduation back in June because I went on my
USA road trip but this nearly broke my poor mom's heart, so I got my butt in gear and decided to do graduation in December rather than missing it all together.
For those of you who have followed my page for quite some time, you will know that university became a real struggle for me towards the end as I just couldn't hack the pressure. It basically turned me into a miserable, nervous wreck because there were just so many people telling me that if I didn't do well I wouldn't get a good job or might disappoint my family that it almost made me ill with worry. Even during my last exam, I literally just thought to myself, 'Why am I even here???' and almost got up and left! Nonetheless, I pushed myself to stay and finish the exam and I now have a 2.1 in English Literature from the University of Birmingham. And I have the pictures to prove it...
*Look how lovely and red brick the buildings are! Got to love them!*